The Centre for Gender PsychologyRelationship Therapy and Workshops and Training in Gender and Sexuality

'Searching for my Father I found my Self' ongoing quarterly groups for men.

In these groups, we grow by looking at our identity as males - as sons, lovers, husbands, fathers, as skillful, creative, spiritual men. We learn to empower ourselves, express our inner truths and feelings and study the art of relationship.

Despite their infrequent meetings, the trust, support and creative challenge built in these very popular ongoing quarterly facilitated men's meetings is a unique resource which helps participants cooperate with evolution to become the best they can. They are designed for maximum input with minimum commitment.

"Four days a year I commit to the group; it influences my life for the better the other 361 days!" Mike G, Searching 3 participant.

The first group began in September 2000. We currently offer four separate groups and a fifth is under construction.
Sometimes there are vacancies – or you may join the waiting list.
Commit four days a year, as Mike says above, and the group is committed to your maturation and awakening ... and shaped by it!


'Searching for my Father I found my Self'. searchers

'Searching' details

Times: Groups meet four times per year, on a Saturday or Sunday.
Venue: North Central London, next to Hampstead Heath.
Cost: £90 per day.
See below for dates and staffing

Searching 1

        Four Saturdays, as near as possible to each mid-month weekend of each 3rd month (March, June, September, December), facilitated by Nick Duffell. 
            Dates:  14/12/24; 15/3/25; 14/6/25; 13/9/25; 6/12/25

Searching 2

                Four Sundays, as near as possible to each mid-month weekend of each 3rd month (March, June, September, December), facilitated by Nick Duffell and Hank Earl. 
                  Dates:  15/12/24; 16/3/25; 15/6/25; 14/9/25; 7/12/25

Searching 3

          Four Sundays facilitated by Hank Earl.
              Dates:  26/1/25; 6/4/25; 6/7/25; 12/10/25

Searching 4

          Four Saturdays facilitated by Darrel Hunneybell. 
            Dates:  25/1/25; 5/4/25; 5/7/25; 11/10/25





If you would like to join us, please first read the document 'Operating Conditions' (PDF file) below, which explains how the groups work.

To find out about current vacancies or to apply please email us and a member of the Searching Team will get back to you.

We will then send you an application form to fill in and return. The Searching Team will discuss your application and current vacancies and get back to you. An initial meeting with a member of the team may be required.

Please click the PDF file symbol here to read how the groups work.

'Searching for my Father I found my Self'. how the groups work

Retreats for Men


An experiential residential this retreat for men in search of connection, depth & grounded maturity in an age of disconnect & gender confusion facilitated by Nick Duffell.

In wild Wales near Monmouth, long weekend. Comfortable rooms or camping, sauna and pool, delicious food, horses and hills. Dates TBC.

On this retreat we will grapple with the following questions:

• How do the current gender wars/ debate affect you?
• Where do experience this, at work, in your family, in your sense of self?
• How often do you hear the word ‘masculinity’ linked with the adjective ‘toxic’?
• How easy or difficult is to find a model of masculinity that you are proud/ confident to identify with?
• How does the fashion for ‘gender fluidity’ affect the awakening of the world?
• What could be the role of awakening men in the evolution of masculinity?
• What are the resources that we as men already have within us?

In this welcoming and beautiful setting, we will attempt to cultivate a response to these challenges, through group enquiry, dis-identified analysis and experiential body-work.

Cost: £295 plus accommodation, limited places.

More details and to reserve your place

Please use the contact form top right on this page.

The Centre for Gender Psychology

Since 1996, we have been evolving a psychology of gender that is grounded in somatic reality and respectful of the awareness that consciousness itself is in a process of evolution. Learning to occupy what we call ‘Our Gender Ground’ gives a realistic place to express ourselves, to be curious about the ever-changing vagaries of human culture and to contemplate the eternal mysteries.


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