The Centre for Gender PsychologyRelationship Therapy and Workshops and Training in Gender and Sexuality

NEW Training Weekend: Advanced Group Dynamics: the Art of ‘Skilful Choreography’ 

Starts May 2025 - scroll down for details



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Advanced Group Dynamics: the Art of ‘Skilful Choreography’ 


A residential weekend post-graduate training led by Nick Duffell (UK) 25/5 – 27/5/25, Gais, Appenzell, Switzerland  with international group and facilitation team


The creativity of all groups depends on the choreography. Without group-dynamics skills, facilitators waste time and energy dealing at the mercy of unconscious interferences and sabotage. Running groups with a co-leader or as a couple can be a huge advantage but brings added traps to fall into, and when couples are part of a therapeutic or healing initiative a whole new set of dynamics are involved.

Techniques learned in individual settings just won’t work, and the worker will need a new understanding and a new therapeutic toolbox: hence this workshop.

These intensive and stimulating post-graduate training days will be useful to those who want to lead groups more creatively and as a top-up for those already trying out their group-dynamics skills. The workshop will build on participants’ group-dynamic theory already learned and will be especially suitable for those involved in co-leadership, who co-lead as a couple, have couples in groups, or for those setting out in such a direction.Residential weekend with international group and facilitation team


  • Venue: IdyllGais, with comfortable accommodation and great food
  • Delightful mountain village setting with train station and direct connections to major rail hubs and airports
  • CPD credits and certificates will be issued, credits for Swiss psychiatrists will be applied for
  • Generous discounts for UK or Ireland-based candidates


Participants will learn: 


  • A refresher on the Principles of Group Dynamics
  • Attending to the group as a ‘Matrix for Change’
  • How to recognize themes and patterns in group process
  • How to creatively influence and ‘choreograph’ a group
  • How to never ‘work alone’: the creative use of group-dynamic theory
  • The issues involved in co-leading
  • How group dynamics affect co-leaders
  • The different styles a ‘creative choregraphing couple’ can adopt
  • To pay attention to the ‘eternal triangle’ and its traps and advantages
  • To recognise the worker’s own vulnerability and strength in group dynamics
  • How to use the authority of a group leader appropriately and effectively
  • To understand the role of emotion in couple dynamics
  • To borrow the couple-worker’s two crucial mantras
  • How to access an ‘internal couple supervisor’ 


The trainer:

Nick Duffell has been leading groups since 1987 and is a psychotherapist, psycho-historian and author, qualified in Systemic Family Therapy, Psychosynthesis and body psychotherapy. For several years he ran a private practice in London and has worked as a freelance trainer and supervisor since1990. He founded Boarding School Survivors and co-founded The Centre for Gender Psychology and now still sees some couples, trains couple-workers and psychotherapists in a style of groupwork that is effective, creative and fun. He has taught group dynamics in Europe as a post-graduate skill for 15 years.


Practical details, cost, and application procedure: please email us so we can send the flyer and you can access the right discounts and book accommodation.


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